Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Door lock problems with Ford Anglia

Ford Anglia is a British classic vintage car, also considered a small family car, designed by Ford UK.  Being a classic vintage car, it is a treasure that one intends to hold with extra care and affection.  But we usually encounter various issues with our Ford AngliaParts, especially its door.

There are a few door lock problems that are frequently encountered in vintage cars. Let's look at the standard door lock problem encountered with the door of  Ford Anglia cars.

 Door Handles & Locks.

A common issue with the car’s door is the bent door lock. A handle replacement will be required if the handle has been bent to the point that cracks the shank.

Rattling Door Locks.

The rattling of the doors occurs when the lock bolt and the faceplate through which it passes are worn out. The excessive noise produced by the rattling door creates a nuisance. 

Adjustment of the Striker Plate

It could be challenging to close the door if the striker plate and latch of the car are out of alignment. This could lead to problems while closing the door. In order to close the door, it needs multiple slamming.

Dropped Doors.

Dropped doors occur due to the bad fitting of the locks. The frequent occurrence of the scenario enlarges the bolt hole of the door pillar.

Door Straps.

The straps that hold the door open are always under much pressure. If the strap breaks, it should be changed immediately to avoid severe hinge damage. These are the five frequent problems that are encountered with door locks of vintage cars.


So if you own a classic vintage car named  Ford Anglia and face the constant issue with the door, KIP Motor Companyis the one-stop solution to your problem. Your Ford Anglia Parts are amended and efficiently installed here. 

KIP Motor Company works on the mission of providing vehicle parts, knowledge, and advice to the need of the customer in response to the customers’ domestic and foreign antique vehicles. They maintain the highest level of authenticity and originality in providing their services to their clients. For detailed information and efficient assistance, reach them at tel:+19722430440.